Multiple Sentry Instances

Learn how to manage several Sentry instances by creating your own clients.

Creating multiple Sentry clients is not recommended in general, as it can lead to unexpected behavior. In case you are using Micro Frontends or similar, multiplexing might be a better solution than using multiple clients. Check out Micro Frontends in the Best Practices for more information.

To be able to manage several Sentry instances without any conflicts between them you need to create your own Client. This also helps to prevent tracking of any parent application errors in case your application is integrated inside of it. To ensure you don't conflict with your parent application, you should also remove any integrations that rely on global state.

In this example we use BrowserClient from @sentry/browser but it's also applicable to NodeClient from @sentry/node.

import {
} from "@sentry/browser";

const client = new BrowserClient({
  dsn: "",
  transport: makeFetchTransport,
  stackParser: defaultStackParser,
  // filter integrations that use the global variable
  integrations: (defaultIntegrations) =>
      (integration) =>
        !["BrowserApiErrors", "Breadcrumbs", "GlobalHandlers"].includes(

const scope = new Scope();

client.init(); // initializing has to be done after setting the client on the scope

// You can capture exceptions manually for this client like this:
scope.captureException(new Error("example"));

You can now customize the scope to your liking, without affecting other clients.

Integrations are set up on the Client. If you need to deal with multiple clients, you'll have to make sure the integration handling is set up correctly.

We do not recommend doing this if you are using Sentry in a browser extension or in similar scenarios. If you can't avoid using global integrations (e.g. in a micro frontend application), here is a working example of how to use multiple clients with multiple scopes running global integrations.

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser";

// Very happy integration that'll prepend and append very happy stick figure to the message
function happyIntegration() {
  return {
    name: "Happy",
    setupOnce() {
      Sentry.addEventProcessor((event) => {
        const self = Sentry.getClient().getIntegration(HappyIntegration);
        // Run the integration ONLY if it was installed on the current client
        if (self) {
          event.message = `\\o/ ${event.message} \\o/`;
        return event;

const client1 = new Sentry.BrowserClient({
  dsn: "",
  transport: Sentry.makeFetchTransport,
  stackParser: Sentry.defaultStackParser,
  // filter integrations that use the global variable
  integrations: (defaultIntegrations) => [
      (integration) =>
        !["BrowserApiErrors", "Breadcrumbs", "GlobalHandlers"].includes(
  beforeSend(event) {
    console.log("client 1", event);
    return null; // Returning `null` prevents the event from being sent
const scope1 = new Sentry.Scope();

const client2 = new Sentry.BrowserClient({
  dsn: "", // Can be a different DSN
  transport: Sentry.makeFetchTransport,
  stackParser: Sentry.defaultStackParser,
  integrations: (defaultIntegrations) => [
      (integration) =>
        !["BrowserApiErrors", "Breadcrumbs", "GlobalHandlers"].includes(
  beforeSend(event) {
    console.log("client 2", event);
    return null; // Returning `null` prevents the event from being sent
const scope2 = new Sentry.Scope();

scope1.setTag("a", "b");

scope2.setTag("c", "d");

By default, Sentry.withScope() will fork the current scope and allow you to add data that is only applied inside of the provided callback. If you want to leverage this in a multi-client setup, you can use withScope like this:

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser";

// Multiple clients setup as described above
const scopeA = new Sentry.Scope();
const clientA = new Sentry.BrowserClient(clientOptions);

// Want to fork scopeA?
const scopeA2 = scopeA.clone();
Sentry.withScope(scopeA2, () => {
  // scopeA2 is active in this callback
  // it is still attached to clientA
  scopeA2.setTag("key", "value");
  // Any event captured inside of this callback will have scopeA2 applied to it
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